Branding 101

Branding 101

Branding 101 Branding is not your logo, color scheme, or tag line. Your brand already exists. And it’s evolving every day… Branding 101 Branding 101 April 3, 2018 by Hanna Hermanson  Nailing your brand will help you… Choose what to wear Write emails with...
How will you know success when it shows up?

How will you know success when it shows up?

How will you know success when it shows up? This is a question I’ve gotten less and less comfortable with. It used to be an A, then a graduation cap, then a steady job, now… It’s so much less clear what “success” is. How will you know...
Are you making the same mistake as 70% of millennials?

Are you making the same mistake as 70% of millennials?

Are you making the same mistake as 70% of Millenials? Not so long ago, I firmly believed that living alone, making my own hummus, refusing to date, and silently meditating on my dreams made me a badass… Are you making the same mistake as 70% of Millenials? Not...
My Secret To Creating A Dream Life

My Secret To Creating A Dream Life

My Secret to Creating Dream Life is Real Life Once upon a time, I was living in freezing temperatures, working in a cubicle 9-5, juggling two other jobs, grocery shopping in my parents’ pantry, spending my evenings snacking in bed, and seriously single… My...