Hanna Hermanson | Dream life is Real Life
3 Stand-Out 
Social Media Posts 
That Will Get You Clients Today
Hey Coach- This is not another course full of cute worksheets or "step-by-step journaling prompts". You've got enough of those in that "Marketing Materials" graveyard on your desktop.

You need SWIPE COPY. Content you know will convert, that is ready to post.

Because you are here to coach and change lives, not copywrite and market and hustle, right?

"In one post, Hanna helped me hit 
my very first 10k month!"

Stephanie Mitchell - Founder & CEO | The Rolling Mat

Go from Content ➡️ Clients in 48 hours
Look, I know you can whip up a green juice, and dial in some focus to get all this marketing stuff down. But how many precious mornings, week, months, and years are you going to put into crafting a skill that is so far from your zone of genius? 

If you want to commit your life to figure all this out on your own- then become a marketer. But if you want to coach, you've gotta put more energy on coaching, than marketing.

Let us save you hours of time, frustration, and confusion and get you posting content that converts TODAY!

This training has earned my clients, on average $8,723. 
Even though they had less than 500 followers!

I'm giving away the "swipe copy" so you can GRAB & GO on this training only!

00 Years 00 Months 00 Weeks 00 Days 00 Hours 00 Minutes 00 Seconds

"Hanna gave me a step-by-step content creation process and examples to use that helped me CONNECT with my audience on a much deeper level. I used Hanna’s process to create in my sales funnel that directly led to high ticket sales of my coaching program!"

Sillie Mugo - CEO & Founder | Creative Business Coach

copywriting is a necessary skill to
build your business

The GRAB & GO - Content Template For Coaches uses the 3 most important elements of sales communication to teach coaches how to attract, convert, and coach their ideal (high paying!) clients online. 
And all you have to do is

1) Attend the training
2) Copy, Paste and POST!
3) Convert engaged followers to paying clients!

You can literally GRAB & GO!

Improving Your Content Involves Addressing:

Our templates help you...

  • Generate leads
  • ​Convert sales with ease
  • ​Establish credibility (even if you don't feel like a big deal yet)
  • ​Develop a brand that resonates through multiple channels
  • ​Get out of the marketing weeds, and back to COACHING!

How The
Templates Work

Using 3 core components, the trajectory of your business can grow significantly. Our team helps make it happen. 


Crafting a personal brand voice and unique selling proposition.


Aligning your assets, associations, and accomplishments to position you as the “go-to” expert in your field.


Developing relationships with potential and existing clients to make the initial sale and KEEP SELLING.

"Working with Hanna completely transformed my business and how I connected with my audience, I highly recommend her program. Writing content used to be like pulling teeth, now it is not only quick and easy... it is actually fun". 

Anna - Yoga Teacher & Life Coach

I'm simply on a mission to make your life, business, and impact easier. I've been in the marketing game as a Business Coach since 2016, and have tried, tested, and proved that this basic set of copy consistently attracts and converts quality coaching clients for professional coaches in the health, wellness, lifestyle, business, and career niches.
Hanna Hermanson
Certified Success Coach | International Speaker
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